Item Request

When you request an item, we will purchase it or borrow it from another library whenever possible.

Requests take a minimum of two weeks. Some requests can take up to 8 weeks or longer. We will contact you once it arrives.

Before submitting a request, please check the online catalog to see if we already have the item.

Check the following resources for downloadable items:

Hoopla – audiobooks, ebooks, comics, movies, music & television
Libby/OverDrive – ebooks and audiobooks
PressReader – magazines and newspapers
Standard eBooks – classics

Looking for something new to read or watch?

Use Book Match to tell us a little about what you like and we’ll email a list of 3-5 items we’ve chosen just for you!

What can you check out?

Check out our Borrowing Guide to learn more about borrowing materials, placing holds and digital content!

Request an Item

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Item Information

Each library cardholder may request up to TWO items per week. Additional requested items will be reviewed in future weeks. Each item in a series must be requested individually and counts as one item.

*Please only request if the title has already been released or will be released within the next 6 months.*

If not, check hoopla to see if we already have this title available.

Universal patrons need to use their home library for Interlibrary Loans.

Contact Info



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