Natural Connections September
Join us for Natural Connections on Saturday, September 14th. Come for the full event or just stop in for the portions that interest you.
ALL PROGRAMS WILL BE IN THE SANDPOINT LIBRARY GARDEN unless weather conditions require us to move inside.
Here is our schedule for the day:
10 AM: Living with Renewable Energy
Have you ever been curious, if solar, micro hydro or wind power can work in North Idaho? Backwoods Solar Electric Systems (BWS) will discuss how renewable energy options can fit into your lifestyle. Whether you want to live fully off grid or merely augment your systems using renewable energy sources this interactive program will help you get started. Learn how to analyze site conditions for small or large scale operations and make lifestyle choices that can create a winning combination.
BWS will also share how tax credits and federal and state incentives work and what is needed to tie into the grid if desired. See first hand an off grid demo system and how a wind turbine, solar water pumping system, and a portable solar generator operate. Using renewable energy is easier than you think. Come with your questions for the experts.
About the Presenters:
Brandon, David and Steve from Backwoods Solar Electric Systems (BWS) have first-hand experience building, designing, and living with renewable energy systems. David has even lived off grid since 2012.
BWS is America’s oldest solar and renewable energy retailer. For nearly 50 years it has designed and sold custom renewable energy systems and equipment. It specializes in solar power, wind turbines, micro-hydro turbines, batteries, and all balance of system components.
12 PM: Perennial Perfection: Mastering Herbaceous Ornamental Plant Care
Discover the art and science of nurturing perennial plants to create a thriving garden oasis. In this interactive class, you’ll delve into the world of perennial plants, learning how to care for them throughout the seasons. Explore the techniques of pruning for optimal growth and discover strategies for preparing your perennials for winter’s chill. Through hands-on demonstrations, you’ll gain confidence in dividing and propagating your plants, ensuring their vitality and beauty year after year.
About the presenter:
Jennifer Jensen is the Extension Educator in Bonner County. Her responsibilities include providing overall leadership and organization for educational outreach programs in Bonner County focusing on horticulture and small farms. Jennifer has a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture degree from West Virginia University and a Master of Science degree from the University of Idaho in plant science. Before transferring to Bonner County, Jennifer was the Extension Educator in Boundary County for 5 years. Prior to working in Extension Jennifer had worked at several public gardens as both a gardener and an educator.
1 PM: Let’s Talk Dirt: Soil, Soil Testing and Fertility
Ever wondered where your soil came from? How is it made? Will it grow anything?
Retired horticulturist, Nina Eckberg, will take you through the process of soil building, soil testing and soil fertility by first getting your hands dirty! Enjoy the “feel” test, get to know the different textures of soils and observe how the structure of material determines its ability to retain or shed water, an important part of sustaining any garden or landscape.
Learn how soil and pH testing will give you the knowledge of YOUR soil’s fertility and whether it needs to be changed to grow the gardens you desire. Find out what nutrients are in your soil and what you can do to make them available to your plants. If fertilizer is needed, understand how to read a fertilizer package and choose the right product for your situation. Walk away knowing how to make your garden or landscape soil better!
About the presenter:
Nina Eckberg received her Bachelor of Science degree in Horticultural Science and Plant Pathology from Colorado State University in 1994 at the tender age of 41. Using her education for the next 30 years as a landscaper, county extension agent, noxious weed supervisor, executive director for resource conservation and development, arborist for the city of Post Falls, community garden manager and now, retired horticultural consultant. Nina has lived in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho since 2002 and is married to an entomologist (bug guy!).
2:30 PM: Wild & Seasonal Bouquet Design!
Bring the best of Nature inside! Capture the best of Nature’s full & beautiful wonders that are easy to arrange and creatively bring into your home to enjoy as a floral arrangement. Join Nancy Hastings from All Seasons Garden & Floral for a walk around the Library Garden to clip from cultivated and wild plants. We’ll discuss the best ways to cut flowers to increase their longevity in a vase and cover techniques for making an eye-catching bouquet from the natural landscape. Using local seasonal flowers and foliage you will get to design a bouquet and go home with your creation. All materials provided.
About the presenter:
Nancy Hastings is a Master Gardener who opened All Seasons Garden Center in 1996 and began floral design in 2000 evolving the business into All Seasons Garden & Floral.