Author Talk: Carolyn Birrell
Meet Carolyn Birrell at the Sandpoint Library. Carolyn, a Bonners Ferry author, will read from her book “Walking with Fay,” about her experience supporting her mother through dementia. Followed by a Q & A and an opportunity to connect with a representative from the North Idaho Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association.
Walking with Fay is a heartwarming story of a mother and her daughter as they navigate the twists and turns along the path into dementia. Filled with genuine, relatable, and often hilarious stories, this book is for those struggling to keep pace and always feeling one-step-behind as they live through the painful reality of their loved one’s slow and tortuous farewell.
Yours may not force feed stuffed animals vanilla pudding or burn their neighbor’s mail, but if you’ve found yourself grappling with the indecision and guilt that often comes with caring for a loved one with dementia, this book will help you find solace as you deal with it realistically and with a heart at peace.