Interview by Brenden Bobby
Today we are meeting Theresa Leskovec, author of Raining Roses: Become All You Are Meant To Be.
Thanks for reaching out, Theresa! I apologize that it’s taken me some time to get back to you – this has been a very busy week!
Thanks for getting back to me. That sounds great. … I’m excited to participate in this interview.
That leads to the first question that I ask everyone: How long have you lived in 7B? What initially attracted you to this place? Has living in this area influenced your writing?
We have lived here in “7B” since last June when we moved here from Cedar Rapids Iowa. We were drawn here because it is closer to our children and grandchildren. We visited in October of 2021 and found our forever home when we returned in March of 2022. Idaho took hold of our hearts from our very first visit. Can’t believe we have been here almost a year now. We have experienced and enjoyed all four seasons and each day has been full of surprises and great beauty. I’m at ease here and find myself writing about so many different and wonderful things. I couldn’t have imagined myself ever moving to Idaho and now I can’t ever imagine leaving here. This place is truly full of God’s creations and creatures. Such a beautiful place to call home.
That’s wonderful! It sounds like you’ve really settled in here.
Can you tell me a little bit about your book, Raining Roses: Become All You Are Meant To Be? What inspired you to write it? Do you have a particular type of audience in mind that may enjoy your book?
God knows how hard life is here on earth. He also knows the challenges and turmoil will help us grow into something better, but not overnight. Life takes time, and it comes with growing pains. There isn’t any way around it. We can’t go over it, can’t go under it, and must go through it.
Raining Roses shares the message that we already have everything we need to get through life’s storms. We hold the power to create the life God has intended for us to live. We can face any storm without fear, knowing with a sense of peace, that God is with us every step, helping us become our better selves.
Raining Roses sounds like a very empowering book. I’m sure we can all relate to a time or a trial in our life that really challenged our beliefs in ourselves, our environment, or faith. One of the takeaways I gleaned from the excerpt you shared was to not take anything for granted, because the moment you do is when you’ll need it the most. Was there a time in your life this may have happened that you’re willing to share?
I never thought about it from that perspective. But now that you have asked me that question I took time to ponder it. I suppose there were many times that I took many people, places and things for granted in my life. During this particular journey I found out that I was taking God for granted. I couldn’t see him disappearing from my life as my addiction poured into His space. Quickly it was alcohol, not God, that was consuming my heart, body and soul. I now realize that this lead to me taking my body and health for granted as well, not to mention my family and friends. By the Grace of God much was saved and my life became anew again.
Thank you for sharing that with us. Sharing that kind of vulnerability can be really scary, but it’s so important for us to be able to heal and not fall back into old habits and addictions.
Thank you for taking the time to meet with me, Theresa!
If you would like to check out Theresa’s book, Raining Roses, you can find a digital version, hardcover or paperback on Amazon, or you can put it on hold and check it out from your local library!